Outside mortgages, council rates and electricity bills the various insurance we pay are probably our next biggest expense as a combined cost.
Home, contents, car and health insurance take a massive chunk out of your pay every month.
While those insurance costs are a necessary evil and will always be there, they don’t necessarily need to account for such a huge slice of Aussie salaries as they currently do.
The solution? Simply picking up your phone.
The reality of the insurance landscape in Australia is the providers all want your business and they are willing to cut you a deal to get it – and keep it.
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Rising insurance costs are hurting everyone but a simple phone call could make a huge difference.
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I recently received the renewal notice for our house’s building insurance through Youi.
After a few years of steady premium rises they were hitting my wallet again. The renewal notice stated my yearly premium was lifting from $1808 a year to $2308 a year.
That’s a hike of $500 on just one of the many insurance policies I need to have.
Incensed by the steep rise in my premium I called Youi and asked a simple question: Can you do anything about this hike or do I need to start shopping around for a new provider?
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I was instantly transferred to another department where a Youi representative ran some numbers that eventually spat out a new premium: $1572 per year.
That’s right, not only did I get a reduction in the premium they issued in my renewal notice but now I would be paying less than what I already was.
Instead of paying $500 more per year I would now be paying about $235 less – a turnaround of $735.
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Don’t let your insurance provider take more than they need to.
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We looked at my contents insurance while I was on the phone and that resulted in another $390 per year saving.
All because I picked up a phone and asked whether or not I was a valued customer.
Insurance companies love complacency. A person who can’t be bothered to phone and find out if there’s a better deal is easy money.
The money Aussies could save on some of their insurance policies is better off in their pockets than the insurance companies.
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Why wait for Michele Bullock and the RBA to make your life easier when you could pick up a phone and do it now. Picture: NewsWire/ Monique Harmer
Better still, the money Aussies could save is better off on their mortgage instead.
For me, that saving across home and contents insurance equates to about $50 a month.
It might not sound like much when the number gets broken down like that but an extra $50 a month towards a typical $600,000, 30-year mortgage on a 5.85 per cent interest rate could pay a loan off 7-8 years earlier.
Mortgage free eight years earlier than scheduled? Not bad for one phone call.